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Linguistic analysis of “sets in, setting in, set in”
添加时间: 2020-6-18 12:20:43 来源: 作者: 点击数:1708


Linguistic phenomenon can be very interesting when discovering certain rules or differences. This paper focuses on the relationships among sets in, setting in, set in.  No linguistic analysis can be carried out without their context. This is the reason why the paper bases on BNC as the foundation of the whole research. From the context, it is discovered more about the three phrases. Whether they are VP or VPrep structure depends a lot on the context. In this sense, it can be said that all the syntax features are contained in semantic features.

I. Introduction

There are many groups of words in English, many of which are composed of Verb plus Preposition. The three phrases “sets in, setting in, set insets in, setting in, set in” are consistent in the above combination, but there are obvious differences in tense among them. It is this change in form that determines the whole tense of the sentence. This is also the unique advantage of the language of English, which does not require the emergence of specific words to let the hearer know when it happened. In other languages, it is necessary for learners to grasp the vocabulary of time in order to understand the time of occurrence, which undoubtedly increases learners' vocabulary learning. It can be seen that English language has become the most popular language in the world because of its simplicity and ease of learning. In the field of linguistics, it is not only helpful for learners to grasp English further, but also to understand the creative wisdom of English language. This study makes a precise analysis of the semantics and syntax of the three phrases, sets in, setting in, and set in, to provide an opportunity for language learners to understand the characteristics of English language, and thus to enhance the interest and level of language learning. Speaking of English phrase analysis can be done in many ways. First of all, from their morphological analysis, we can see the combination structure. Second, look at their specific usage. But now researchers do more from the semantic and syntactic aspects, because from the perspective of these two aspects, can help English learners to have a clearer understanding of the characteristics of English.

II. Literature review

2.1 Related research on V and VP

There are some researches related to VP, mainly about the features and usage of a certain verb in a particular style of essay. Based on the "VN1N2" type verb phrases and noun phrases in Sogou corpus, the statistical analysis of the characteristics of each component, the semantic relationship and the characteristics of each other is carried out respectively, focusing on the grammatical theory, the verb phrases and noun phrases of" VN1N2" type are discussed in detail, and the corresponding transformation mode is put forward for the different semantic relations in the analysis of semantic characteristics, which provides the theoretical support for the dictionary construction of search engine phrases. Because of the particularity of the phrase "VN1N2" in the Sogou corpus, some semantic relations, characteristics and theoretical support mainly come from the guidance of previous studies and the experimental analysis of the Sogou log corpus, and the individual semantic relations need to be further textual research(Rodd Jennifer M, 2010).

Some other researches focus on the structure of “adverb+PV”. From 1956 to now, a lot of researches have been done on the following aspects of the study. Many of the research results have analyzed the verbs in this format. In the lexical sense, the verbs in this format are mostly psychological activities such as love, resentment, recognition, perception and so on, followed by verbs indicating state, and a small number of verbs indicating evaluation and behavior. The verbs that can be modified by degree adverbs have both psychological verbs and non-psychological verbs, all of which have abstract characteristics of character and meaning. He divided psychological verbs into transitive psychological verbs and intransitive psychological verbs, non-psychological verbs are divided into morpheme infection classes and semantic implication classes according to word-formation and morpheme characteristics. The morpheme infection class includes compound morpheme infection class and affix morpheme infection class, semantic implication class is divided into attitude meaning, elimination meaning, back meaning and prominent meaning according to semantic. Zhang Yisheng's views have been generally accepted by the academic circles, and many later research results have used his views to explain them. In addition, there are also special studies on verbs, such as the absorption of reference to previous research on the basis of the study of non-psychological verbs can enter the "very VP" structure, she believes that there are three kinds of non-psychological verbs that can be "very" modified, that is, some behavioral verbs, can wish verbs and a small number of comparable verbs. According to the strength of the adjectives contained in these verbs, they are divided into two types: one is the prominent class of form meaning, the other is the implied class of form meaning, which can be divided into attitude meaning, elimination meaning, recitation meaning and salient meaning according to the semantic meaning it contains.The non-ideal verb that can be modified by "very" has a great tendency to choose the object, and different objects mainly follow the principle of vitality and abstraction when modified by the verb with the same meaning(Friederici AD, 2000) .

Some scholars focus on the study of verb phrases in this format. The earliest was Rao Jiting (1961), who divided the verb phrases that could enter the format into five types: the moving object structure, the moving name predicate structure, the moving quantity object structure, the moving momentum structure and the moving time quantity structure. Later, two types of verb phrases were added, namely, the verb-de/no complement structure and the verb-de/no object structure. By the 1990s, such verb phrases were divided into seven types. VP is divided into verb, verb-object phrase, verb-heart phrase, verb-complement phrase, part-time phrase and joint phrase, in which the author refers to the use of some prepositional phrases before a verb or a verb phrase as an adverbial, which constitutes a verb-centered form of heart phrase, which accepts the "very" modified type, that is, the form of "very object verb group ", which has not appeared in previous studies. Later, the form of the negative adverb "no" before the VP was added, which was not mentioned by the predecessors. Vp is divided into two categories according to whether it can be directly modified by "very". The former includes the verb, auxiliary verb and partial non-action verb of mental activity, while the latter includes 6 kinds of verb structures. Separate out the more specific types of "having an object" and "being a VP" to make the classification more detailed. In conclusion, by the beginning of the 21st century, the study of the structural types of verb phrases that can enter this format has been more comprehensive, and the study of verb phrases is not only limited to the study of classification, but also to the semantic analysis of semantic plane. The six semantic principles put forward have certain pioneering and theoretical significance, and the similar achievements are basically based on these principles for analysis(Leonard Laurence B, 2015) .

The hypothesis is that these VP discussed in the paper are linguistically different. The methodology adopted is from Halliday’s systematic functional grammar and Chomsky’s transformational grammar. Although this methodology only mentions grammar, it is true that when talking about form the meaning should also be involved.

2.2 Syntax and semantic research

In the standard theory stage (Chomsky 1965), according to the syntactic characteristics of the verb, the verb can be divided into subclasses, that is, subcategoration. "The semantic features of a small class of notional words in grammar refer to the semantic connotation or semantic elements that are unique to that small class of notional words, which can restrict the syntactic format in which they are located, and are sufficient to distinguish them from other small class literal words. The "semantic features" that enter the syntactic analysis focus on analyzing and summarizing the semantic features common to the notional words in the same key position in each instance of the same syntactic format. In a sense, the analysis of semantic features of sentence french is based on the development of transformation analysis, that is to say, it is a process of "revealing-explanatory" to use transformation analysis to reveal the same relationship between semantic structure and notional words, and then to explain the root cause of different semantic structure relations by extracting semantic features. Therefore, we conclude that the operation steps of the semantic feature analysis method can be divided into the following steps:1) according to the characteristics of sentence patterns, list a number of sentence examples that meet the requirements (i.e., the same sequence of parts of speech, the same internal construction hierarchy and structural relationship). In accordance with the principle of "parallelism", the transformation analysis is carried out, and the examples are extracted and classified according to the different grammatical meanings expressed. In order to explain the root cause of the ambiguous sentence pattern, the semantic features of the notional word "in the key position" in the example sentence group representing the same grammatical meaning are extracted and described(Malaia Evguenia, 2015) .

The limitation of sentence semantic feature extraction is beyond doubt. Semantic feature analysis  is very helpful for us to effectively differentiate and explain ambiguous sentence patterns, but as a method of syntactic analysis, we must consider its maneuverability, that is, the conciseness of each operation step. Semantics are abstract and more elusive. As the result of semantic decomposition, semantic feature is not a natural language unit, but is separated from semantic meaning by certain analytical method and then expressed in natural language. Its process is to fully carry out the process of abstract thinking activities, which inevitably has a strong subjective color. For the same group of words, different people may analyze different semantic features, its accuracy depends entirely on the depth of the meaning of the analyzed position; on the other hand, the level of irregular thinking and semantic characteristics of the strong attachment, may lead to people cannot fully grasp the results of the analysis. Therefore, in analyzing the semantic features of words, we basically use the "introspective generalization method" to extract the semantic features of the notional words which are in the key position in each instance of the same grammatical meaning, which often makes the analyst confused, and it seems that the extraction path of this semantic feature is not regular, because this semantic feature is independent of the meaning of the lexical level that we can perceive, and is generalized by comparing the notional words in other examples in the specific sentence pattern(Fonsale Patrick. 1985) .

In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to semantics in the study of grammar. Sentences are regarded as an abstract form of structural representation produced by the operation after structural transformation. However, in the simplest scheme, the language organs require these representations and derivations to be in accordance with the economic standard, showing the most simplicity, that is, there are no additional steps in the derivation, and no additional marks in the representation. beyond that, no representational components are required in the system linking sound and meaning. The derivation of syntactic structure and the connection of semantic and morphological interfaces have always been central to the study of generative grammar. Chomsky (2000:89–155,2001a,2001b:1–521) based on the views of Epstein (1999:317–45) and Uriagereka (1999:251–82), a method of interpretation of sound and meaning-Multiple Spell-Out- was proposed. "Multiple spelling" is used at the end of each segment, and the resulting syntactic structure is "packed" to the "interface" position used for the interpretation of sound and meaning. which to some extent simplifies the derivation process of syntactic structure. In the period of GB theory," jurisdiction "plays a central role in every module theory. However, it is a defect. In the lattice theory module, the structure lattice involves three different structural shapes. In the Spec-head structure relation, the subject case is acquired by the functional central qualifier INFL; the object case is given by the verb V in the central term-complement structure relation; and the exception case marker does not reflect any real X-bar structure relation, but only exists as the head-Spec component of the complement. Obviously, it is unreasonable to interpret these three completely different structural relationships in a single "jurisdiction". To this end, Chomsky (1991:417–54) proposed a new solution, i.e., all the structural lattices were solved by the Spec-head structural relationship. The main lattice shifts to the spec-agrs position, and the bin lattice and the exception lattice (ecm) shift to the spec-agro position to resolve. But there are many problems with this approach(Chomsky Noam. 1986) .

Therefore, it’s hard to analyze the word or sentence from only semantic angle or only syntax angle, because the two angles are interacted with each other.

2.3 Research based on Corpus

Based on a large number of real language materials, corpus linguistics starts with the frequency of information distribution to study the rules and patterns of language use in reality. Vocabulary phrase teaching is one of the earliest and most fruitful fields in foreign language teaching. It plays an important role in foreign language teaching. What subtle differences between English phrases, how to use English has always been a difficult language teaching. With the introduction of corpus linguistics into teaching, the use of corpus for English teaching research is increasing(Nissan Buium. 1976) .

Based on BNC, the frequency of the above phrases sets in, setting in, and set in is respectively: 182, 135, 2023. This statistics obviously show “set in” is more widely used than the other two. How can this become so frequent while the other two just occupy a small proportion? This can be a very interesting question. There should be some linguistic reasons. This is why this paper focuses on these three phrases. From the surface, it can be seen that the three phrases are different in their different tenses. In English, tense refers to time. This time can be symbolled from the form. Vs, Ving, V respectively stand for the present, continuous, and the present, and Vs also shows the  subject is the third person singular form. However, there are still some other interesting phenomenon which should be analyzed together with them in the sentences. This is what can be found from the PV. However, from the perspective of macro-linguistics, the meaningful phenomenon still contains a lot of aspects. The difference of tense is only one small and simple finding. Another obvious thing is also important. That is the meaning of these phrases depend on a lot of other factors. Whether they are PV or V+Prep, only when they are put in the sentences or context, can the meaning be found. Therefore, the following part is the analysis of the three phrases based on the sample sentences in BNC.

III. Semantic features

3.1 Different context

Different context can have different meaning. All the meanings cannot be separated from the surrounding world. It is the same case with the three VP. To discuss their  features is also to search the sentences from BNC, which ensures the objectivity of the research and any judgement made. This search begins from the most frequent phrase, that is set in.

a. Set in

Undoubtedly, the most frequent VP among the three is “set in”(2023F). In the dictionary, “set in” means “begin, come, go up, insert”. However, when used in sentence, they do not necessarily have the above meanings. That is to say, the meaning of a word or phrase does not depend on the definition any more. When put in the context, they can be completely different.

(1) Wheels have been set in motion, and they have their own pace, to which we are...

(2) It is set in Mexicos magnificent White Sands National Park -- and anyway, any movie starring

(3Set in superb formal gardens, the house has many fascinating collections in addition to antique met on a number of occasions, and the three results of its decisions are set in the report.

(4) what houses, what large houses are available, things that can be set in, what lo-- what er, countryside there is, what facilities there are

(5) to do is to (pause) complete the requirement (pause) the staff target this year and set in train some industrial studies to see what the various options are and then once

(6) got available because production investment has been delayed because of ministerial decisions, we’ve set in train three further studies and they will look collectively at alternatives,

(7)two or three different sound systems, and at its worst, a full drum set in the early hours of the morning, obviously keeping their near neighbors not only

(8)'s Lloyd George's memoirs of the Great War, the First World War that set in many ways the modern pattern (pause) for old battles to be re-fought. And

(9)Soviet Union (Britain's last potential Continental ally) and a deterioration in mood set in owing to the threatening extension of the war to the Balkans, SD soundings

(10)when, materially, the Third Reich turned to unmitigated disaster only seems to have set in from 1942 onwards. For all these reasons, the' Fhrer myth'

Basically, “set in” can be regarded as a whole part, that is a phrase(marked as VP). While, “set in” can also be regarded as a single V “set”, and a preposition “in” together with the following part of the sentence(marked as VPrep). From the above sentences, the (1,2,3,6,7,8) are VPrep, and the rest are VP, which presents a draw in frequency. Therefore, to define the meaning of “set in” also partly depends on the meaning of the word “set”.

In the dictionary, “set” means “put in place, put in a state, fit, prepare for the table”. Since, the V is separated in meaning with the Preposition “in”, to discuss the meaning of “set in” equals discussing the meaning of the word “set”.

From the linguistic angle, word meaning can be studied in many different perspectives. In the broadest sense, meaning can be classified into seven types: conceptual, connotative, social, affective, reflective, collocative and thematic. These types of meaning rely a lot on the context. Also, it’s hard to say the meaning of “set” is the same with its definition from the dictionary. Because every word can have different types of meaning. However, from the above VPrep sentences, the meanings of “set” can be in line with their meaning in the dictionary: fit(1), take...as the background(2,3), put in a place(7), start(8). It seems that (2,3) are different from the meanings from the definition. But it is still similar to fit or place. This can prove that when “set” is just a single word in the sentences, it’s meaning can follow the definition to a large extent.

While the rest sentences belong to P, that is to say, “set in” is a phrase in the whole sentence. Their meanings are: put in(4), start(5, 6, 10), go up(9), which can also in line with their meanings from the dictionary.

Therefore, the meaning of “set in” mainly keeps on the literal or lexical level. That is to say, VP depends on the meaning of VP, and VPrep depends on that of V.  

The evidence to confirm “set in” in the above sentences is VP or VPrep also depends on the context. Therefore, context decides a lot in the meaning of the phrase. Here, the main task is to see what kind of context can be can be analyzed from the sample sentences on BNC.

b.Setting in

(11)The second objection was the problem of agenda setting in a participatory democracy. How is it that the people come to be discussing

(12)we can't really say anything about agricultural supply unless we acknowledge the institutional setting in which farmers er, actually produce food. Now, in most countries in

(13)Fred Clasper was also on his feet setting in motion his scheme to put the final nail in its coffin.  

(14)Division and the jobs of the fifty thousand people it employed, Fred Clasper was setting in motion the third and final stage of his scheme to sabotage any possible chance

(15)drinks, thermometer, stethoscope, blood-pressure machine, plaster cut-down setting, emergency transfusion setting in a sealed tin, emergency tracheotomy setting in another, emergency hypodermic setting on

(16)plaster cut-down setting, emergency transfusion setting in a sealed tin, emergency tracheotomy setting in another, emergency hypodermic setting on the final sterile-towel-covered tray. I looked at

(17)I think an improvement's setting in.'' All right, I forgive you,' said Dolly.

(18)and Stephen Mansell, the Maintenance Superintendent, would have preferred a more relaxed setting in his private sitting room next door, the low, comfortable chairs, a

(19)was Montaine's part in my role in Jean-Claude's drama! He was not setting in motion the puppets of the past to destroy them. He was reactivating them

(20)grouse moors stretched further than she could see. Their colour gone now with the setting in of winter. There was a luncheon-party at a neighbor's house. Lionel

To decide the meaning, the context should be completely taken into consideration, or it’s really hard to decide their meanings.

In the above 10 sentences, (11, 13, 14, 15, 19) are VPrep, that is to say, “setting in” is seen as a whole part, (12, 18, 20) are N, and the rest two sentences VP. From this, it can be seen that VPrep has a bigger proportion, and only two sentences have the usage of the Verb word set. That is to say, when it comes to setting in, mostly they are used as a single Verb instead of being a phrase. Therefore, the meaning should follow that of the V(set). (11means fit or go on, (13, 14, 15, 19) all share the same meaning start, and (13, 19) adopt the same collocation setting in motion, which also appears in sentence (1). This shows that setting in motion is a frequent phrase, especially when the Verb is going on. (12, 18, 20) take the word setting as a noun, meaning the background, which is usually followed by a Prep in. When the word setting appears, there are a lot of chances for it to be used as a N.

All the findings above set another searching: the frequency of the phrase setting in motion, and the frequency of the word setting. Can this searching prove anything for setting in? Of course, the findings can show peoples recognition to the word setting. Certainly, this above analysis depends on readers understanding of the whole context. Setting in motion presents a frequency of 14, meaning start, which can prove this phrase is fixed way(not a common way) to express start to do sth, especially when emphasizing the V is going on. The frequency of the word setting is 7281, which is a really big number, compared to setting in(135F). However, seen from the BNC sentences of setting, mostly, it is used as V, followed by different Prep. This shows that setting is really a flexible word. From the analysis of set in(2023F), VP and VPrep account for a similar proportion in BNC sentences. However, the frequency of the word set is 43512, which is an overwhelming number compared to setting, which further proves the flexibility and commonality of the V set.

c.Sets in

In this context, sets in(182F) in BNC is also a small number.

(21)They've got pyjama sets in there. (SP:PS04B) They're nice are they? (SP:PS04F) Yeah (SP:PS04B) (unclear) (SP:PS04F)

(22)Argos book for darts did you, or? (SP:PS0AJ) Yeah there was about three sets in there and they ranged from about (pause) seven ninety nine up I think.

(23)Put them all together. (pause) (SP:PS0HP) (singing) (unclear) # (SP:PS0HM) Look at the sets in (laughing) in sixty eight. You could, as the camera goes by you

(24)and set in the sky. Just as the same when the sun rises and sets in the sky. Now. What time of day it rises and sets in

(25)and sets in the sky. Now. What time of day it rises and sets in the sky depends on the relative erm placing in the in the heavens of

(26)back to D C. (pause) That was converters. Now there were three sets in the electricity works here and two in the substation down the town hall.

(27)a special report on erm what I'd done. And I did the three sets in the er electricity works and the two (unclear) in the substation. And they

(28)a terribly industrial, well you could fi-- (-----) Road used to be all granite sets in the road, there wasn't the, because there was so much traffic

(29)Ellands (SP:PS3MP) elderly persons homes, I think, and we're looking at two sets in that, er, there's the proposal at twenty two, for a

(30)c-- (SP:PS4V7) And the gaskets are in there there's a s-- there's gasket sets in there, they've all got it all in. (SP:PS4V1) Can't you close

What is found from BNC sentences is more surprising. As it is judged before searching, these phrases are very easy to differentiated, because they are different in their tense. However, by doing this research, differences are more and more. What is forgot is about the changing part of speech of the word set, set, sets, setting can also be N or any other part of speech. Especially in the above 10 sentences, sets is mostly to be used as N except (24, 25), which are V, in the third person singular form. As N, sets is similar to the pack of, package, or the stuff. This finding is completely different from that of set in or setting in, which focuses on the use of set as V. When sets is regarded as N, in is a separated Prep in the sentence, which appears just based on the speakers thoughts. There are no certain fixed relationship between set and in just because it is not V. In this view, it is quite necessary to do a search of the word sets to prove its weak relationship with in. However, the sentences will not be presented for the limited space of the paper. Sets has a frequency of 4952, which is a lot bigger than that of sets, mainly as N. Therefore, it can be proved that sets and in are loosely connected. Surely, all the above judgement made is based on the context meaning.

Another phenomenon for sets in is when sets is N, the word before it can be Num(22, 26, 27, 28, 29), and N(21, 30). The search of sets presents the same phenomenon. Therefore, Num+sets, N+sets can be common way for the word sets. and Num+ can be more common. Surely, this follows the definition of sets in the dictionary. From this perspective, sets can be a quantifier to some degree. A word commonly used to represent the unit of quantity of a person, thing, or action, is called a quantifier. Sentence(22, 26, 27, 28, 29) respectively represents different things, which can be judged generally from the context. A word or morpheme used with or in conjunction with a noun representing a countable or measurable object, often used to indicate a class in which an object assigned to a noun can be classified according to its shape or function, all the Num+sets can follow the above principles.

When it comes to the V of sets, undoubtedly, it means fall down, especially when the subject is the sun. Sets is the third person singular form, which follows the principle of grammar. The third person singular is the pronoun used in the language to indicate to a person other than the two sides of the dialogue. In English teaching, the third person singular refers to the relevant grammar of this set of pronouns besides this set in English.

3.2 Subject categories 

Although most of the time sets are used as N, set, setting are mostly used as V.  A verb is a class of parts of speech, usually a word for an action or state. In English, verbs are divided into two main categories according to function, one is predicate verb, the other is non-predicate verb. The movement or dynamic change of a person or thing. In grammar, V is usually followed by a noun subject or subject clause. Therefore, subject is an important factor for V.

Subject categories can be discussed when set, sets, setting are V in the sentences. The subject for sets is obvious, that is the sun or something, with weak connection with the following Prep in. The Prep cannot be ignored because this paper deals with the V+Prep. But its hard to say they are VPrep or VP because of complicated context. Set has limited chance to be N, judged from sentence(1-10) and its definition in dictionary, so the usage of being N can be omitted. When used as V in the sentences, among the 10 sample sentences, 7 sentences are passive voice. Passive voice is a form of verb used to illustrate the relationship between the subject and the predicate verb. There are two kinds of English voice: active voice and passive voice. The active voice indicates that the subject is the executor of the action, and the passive expression indicates that the subject is the acceptor of the action. Passive voice is a special form of verb, generally speaking, only the transitive verb that needs the action object has the passive voice. The structure is the past participle of the auxiliary verb be and the object verb. The passive tense change only changes the form of be, and the past participle part remains the same. The same is true of interrogative and negative changes. Therefore, in the passive voice, the subject is the acceptor, for the subject of set, their categories belong to the concrete things, things to be placed or to be arranged, such as in sentence(1), wheel. However, this is not the full case. When set in is used in active voice, it is another story for the subject category. The active voice is the voice in which the subject is the predicate action. In the active voice, the action of the predicate originates from the subject and is applied to the object. Sentences(5, 6, 8, 10) are active voice. The subjects in (5,6) are person, which is common subject category for V, and (8) is VPrep, so its not carried into the discussion, and the subject for (10) is thing disaster, a concept which can bring bad mood. That is to say set in can follow the subject which shows the period, time, or mood or something like a concept. There are still some other examples to be found in BNC. Due to the limited space in this paper, the sentences will not be provided here. Lastly, setting in is mainly in an active voice, so undoubtedly, its subject can be person. This can also be predicted just from the VP itself.

The above analysis proves that set in can have different kinds of subject with the other two. They belong to the category of concept: disaster, mood, something like that.

IV. Syntax features

4.1 Phrase structures

Based on the sentences from BNC(1-30), phrase types are obviously different. Set in is used as VP and VPrep equally. For one thing, it is a fixed phrase with the structure of V+Prep, which is a popular way of VP in English language. For another, set is an active V, which can be used individually and frequently in many sentences. As to whether it is followed by in, that is not necessarily. For setting in sentences, the function of V is extended, because most of the sentences have the structure of VPrep, that is to say, setting is used individually. Sets in is limited in the structure of VPrep. Sentences(21-30) present no VP structure. It can be concluded that they are mostly used individually, not necessarily followed by in(Cowart W, 1987) .

Another thing to be noted is that as VP, set in functions as transitive V, while others as intransitive V. The verb can be divided into two types: transitive verb and intransitive verb. The transitive verb can be directly related to the object. If you want to go to the hospital, you can go to the hospital and go to the school. A transitive verb that can be directly added to an object which has a passive form, whereas an intransitive verb cannot directly add an object to an object. In fact, many verbs are both transitive and intransitive. A transitive verb can be used as an object of a verb with nouns, pronouns and gerunds. This can be shown from the sentence(4, 7, 9), which are passive voice(Buium N, 1974) .

4.2 Grammatical functions

As to the grammatical functions, transformational grammar and systematic functional grammar should be taken as the ground. Chomsky believes that grammar mainly consists of two parts: foundation and transformation, the foundation part generates the deep structure, the deep structure obtains the surface structure through the transformation, the semantic part belongs to the deep structure, it makes the semantic explanation for the deep structure. The speech part belongs to the surface structure and makes the phonetic explanation for the surface structure. It emphasizes the interpretation of the commonness of human language from the perspective of cognition, distinguishes the innate language ability from the acquired language knowledge, thinks that language has the ability to produce, is the infinite use of finite rules, and the transformation is an important means of generation. A difference between generative grammar and traditional grammar is that it uses mathematical symbols and formulas to define concepts and express rules, so it is called formal grammar. Obviously, set in has broader functions than the other two. It is put in any position of the sentence, together with the transmission of voice. However, sets in and setting in fully embodies their own structure in the language(Kleinman S N, 1996) .

As for the systematic functional grammar, these three phrases all show that there can be a lot of small system in any constitution of the phrase, VP and VPrep contains so many strange principles in themselves.

V. Conclusion

In short, the above analysis proves that the system in set in, sets in, setting in are similar in their lexical meaning, with their meaning following that of the definition, basically without some non-lexical or connotative meaning. All of them have their meaning depending on the surrounding context. However, their difference is obvious. Set in is more frequent in language application, which can be regarded as active phrase. It also have its subject category, such as mood, emotion and a particular kind of phenomenon. For the syntax aspect, the three phrases have different tense, part of speech. Their structure as VP or VPrep are not similar in BNC.


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[5] Computational simulation of a speaker-independent speech recognition system (for isolated words) without oral learning (direct learning of phonetic features)[J]. Fonsale Patrick. 1985(4)

[6] Some observations on language and language learning: Reply to Macnamara, Arbib, and Moore and Furrow[J]. Chomsky Noam. 1986(3)

[7] Interrogative types in parental speech to language-learning children: A linguistic universal?[J]. Nissan Buium. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. 1976(2)

[8]Early maternal linguistic environment of normal and Down’s syndrome language-learning children.[J]. Buium N, Rynders J, Turnure J. American journal of mental deficiency. 1974(1)

[9] Adults with language-learning disabilities: new challenges and changing perspectives.[J]. Kleinman S N,Bashir A S. Seminars in speech and language. 1996(3)

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  • 日本語序論
  • component formatti
  • 日文文献资料的查阅方法
  • 日文文献资料的查阅方法
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  • 日本留学硕士及研究生的区别硕士申请条
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  • 语用学在翻译中的运用
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  • タイトル:少子化対策の国際比較
  • メインタイトル:ここに入力。欧数字は
  • 東洋大学工学部環境建設学科卒業論文要
  • IPCar:自動車プローブ情報システ
  • Abrupt Climate Cha
  • Recognition of Eco
  • Complexities of Ch
  • Statistical Analys
  • Dangerous Level o
  • 中日对照新闻稿
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  • 论高职英语教育基础性与实用性的有机结
  • 论高职幼师双语口语技能的培养
  • 论高职幼师英语口语技能的培养
  •     自分・この眼&
  • 成蹊大学大学院 経済経営研究科
  • アクア・マイクロ
  • 公共経営研究科修士論文(政策提言論文
  • 基于学习风格的英语学习多媒体课件包
  • 后殖民时期印度英语诗歌管窥
  • 汉语互动致使句的句法生成
  • 笔译价格
  • 携帯TV電話の活用
  • 英語学習におけるノートテイキング方略
  • 強化学習と決定木によるエージェント
  • エージェントの行動様式の学習法
  • 学習エージェントとは
  • 強化学習と決定木学習による汎用エージ
  • 講演概要の書き方
  • 对学生英语上下义语言知识与写作技能的
  • 英汉词汇文化内涵及其翻译
  • 论大学英语教学改革之建构主义理论指导
  • 国内影片片名翻译研究综观及现状
  • 平成13年度経済情報学科特殊研究
  • Comparison of curr
  • 英文论文任务书
  • This project is to
  • the comparison of
  • デジタルペンとRFIDタグを活用した
  • 無資格者無免許・対策関
  • 創刊の辞―医療社会学の通常科学化をめ
  • gastric cancer:ade
  • 揭示政治语篇蕴涵的意识形态
  • 试论专业英语课程项目化改革的可行性
  • 多媒体环境下的英语教学交际化
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  • 以英若诚对“Death of A S
  • 论沈宝基的翻译理论与实践
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  • 谈《傲慢与偏见》的语言艺术
  • 论语言结构差异对翻译实效性的影响
  • 英语传递小句的认知诠释
  • 英语阅读输入的四大误区
  • 在语言选择中构建社会身份
  • 私たちが見た、障害者雇用の今。
  • 震災復興の経済分析
  • 研究面からみた大学の生産性
  • 喫煙行動の経済分析
  • 起業の経済分析
  • 高圧力の科学と技術の最近の進歩
  • 「観光立国」の実現に向けて
  • 資源としてのマグロと日本の動向
  • 揚湯試験結果の概要温泉水の水質の概要
  • 計量史研究執筆要綱 
  • 日中友好中国大学生日本語科卒業論文
  • 제 7 장
  • 전자&
  • 現代國民論、現代皇室論
  • 記紀批判—官人述作論、天皇宗家論
  • 津田的中國觀與亞洲觀
  • 津田思想的形成
  • 反思台灣與中國的津田左右吉研究
  • 遠隔講義 e-learning
  • 和文タイトルは17ポイント,センタリ
  • Design And Impleme
  • Near-surface mount
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  • 韩国泡菜文化和中国的咸菜文化
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  • 韩流流向世界
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  • 要想学好韩语首先得学好汉语
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  • Expression and Bio
  • Increased Nuclear
  • 论女性主义翻译观
  • 健康食品の有効性
  • 日语的敬语表现与日本人的敬语意识
  • 日语拒否的特点及表达
  • Solve World’s Prob
  • 韩汉反身代词“??”和“自己”的对比
  • 韩汉量词句法语义功能对比
  • 浅析日语中的省略现象
  • 浅谈日语中片假名的应用
  • 土木学会論文集の完全版下印刷用和文原
  • 英语语调重音研究综述
  • 英汉语言结构的差异与翻译
  • 平等化政策の現状と課題
  • 日本陸軍航空史航空特攻
  • 商务日语专业毕业生毕业论文选题范围
  • 家庭内暴力の現象について
  • 敬语使用中的禁忌
  • Treatment of high
  • On product quality
  • Functional safety
  • 日文键盘的输入方法
  • 高职高专英语课堂中的提问策略
  • 对高校学生英语口语流利性和正确性的思
  • 二语习得中的文化错误分析及对策探讨
  • 高职英语专业阅读课堂教学氛围的优化对
  • 趣谈英语中的比喻
  • 浅析提高日语国际能力考试听力成绩的对
  • 外语语音偏误认知心理分析
  • 读格林童话《小精灵》有感
  • “新世纪”版高中英语新课教学导入方法
  • 初探大学英语口语测试模式与教学的实证
  • 中加大学生拒绝言语行为的实证研究
  • 目的论与翻译失误研究—珠海市旅游景点
  • 对学生英语上下义语言知识与写作技能的
  • 英语水平对非英语专业研究生语言学习策
  • 英语教学中的文化渗透
  • 中学教师自主学习角色的一项实证研究
  • 叶维廉后期比较文学思想和中诗英译的传
  • 钟玲中诗英译的传递研究和传递实践述评
  • 建构主义和高校德育
  • 论习语的词法地位
  • 广告英语中的修辞欣赏
  • 从奢侈品消费看王尔德及其唯美主义
  • 论隐喻的逆向性
  • 企盼和谐的两性关系——以劳伦斯小说《
  • 论高等教育大众化进程中的大学英语教学
  • 试论《三四郎》的三维世界
  • 李渔的小说批评与曲亭马琴的读本作品
  • 浅谈中国英语的表现特征及存在意义
  • 湖南常德农村中学英语教师师资发展状况
  • 海明威的《向瑞士致敬》和菲茨杰拉德
  • 围绕课文综合训练,培养学生的写作能力
  • 指称晦暗性现象透析
  • 西部地区中学生英语阅读习惯调查
  • 论隐喻的逆向性
  • 认知体验与翻译
  • 试析英诗汉译中的创造性
  • 言语交际中模糊语浅议
  • 认知体验与翻译
  • 关于翻译中的词汇空缺现象及翻译对策
  • 从互文性视角解读《红楼梦》两译本宗教
  • 从目的论看中英动物文化词喻体意象的翻
  • 高校英语语法教学的几点思考
  • 高校体艺类学生外语学习兴趣与动机的研
  • 大学英语自主学习存在的问题及“指导性
  • 从接受美学看文学翻译的纯语言观
  • 《红楼梦》两种英译本中服饰内容的翻译
  • 法语对英语的影响
  • 影响中美抱怨实施策略的情景因素分析
  • 代写需求表
  • 跨文化交际中称赞语的特点及语言表达模
  • 实现文化教育主导外语教育之研究
  • 试论读者变量对英语阅读的影响
  • 从文化的角度看英语词汇中的性别歧视现
  • 合作原则在外贸函电翻译中的运用
  • Default 词义探悉
  • 从图示理论看英汉翻译中的误译
  • 许国璋等外语界老前辈所接受的双语教学
  • “provide” 和 “suppl
  • 由英汉句法对比看长句翻译中的词序处理
  • 1000名富翁的13条致富秘诀中英对
  • 英语中18大激励人心的谚语中英对照
  • 反省女性自身 寻求两性和谐---评
  • 浅析翻译中的“信”
  • 集体迫害范式解读《阿里》
  • 横看成岭侧成峰-从美学批评角度解读《
  • 福柯的话语权及规范化理论解读《最蓝的
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  • 如何在山区中等专业学校英语课堂实施分
  • 奈达与格特翻译理论比较研究
  • 语篇内外的衔接与连贯
  • Economic globaliza
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  • 英语新闻语篇汉译过程中衔接手段的转换
  • 对易卜生戏剧创作转向的阐释
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  • 反思型教师—我国外语教师发展的有效途
  • 输入与输出在词汇学习中的动态统一关系
  • 教育实践指导双方身份认同批判性分析
  • 中英商务文本翻译异化和归化的抉择理据
  • 从艺术结构看《呼啸山庄》
  • 从儒家术语“仁”的翻译论意义的播撒
  • 论隐喻与明喻的异同及其在教学中的启示
  • 话语标记语的语用信息在英汉学习型词典
  • 论森欧外的历史小说
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  • 中美语文教材设计思路的比较
  • 美国写作训练的特点及思考
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  • 论沈宝基的翻译理论与实践
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  • 中国の株価動向分析
  • 日语拒否的特点及表达
  • 日语的敬语表现与日本人的敬语意识
  • 浅析日语中的省略现象
  • 浅谈日语中片假名的应用
  • 浅谈日语敬语的运用法
  • 浅谈日语会话能力的提高
  • ^论日语中的年轻人用语
  • 敬语使用中的禁忌
  • 关于日语中的简略化表达
  • 关于日语的委婉表达
  • The Wonderful Stru
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  • SONY Computer/Notb
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  • June 8, 1968: Robe
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